Keeping you posted....

SVU Newsletters

Stour Valley Underground is committed to providing you with the latest news of developments in our case for a smart grid, undersea and underground solution to the problems of distributing energy in the 21st century. With this more appropriate strategy we hope to ensure that all of our beautiful valleys, indeed the whole country is made as pylon free and inspiring as this:-

Summer - Autumn 2011 Newsletter

Friday, 14 October 2011

Hello and welcome to our Summer - Autumn Newsletter.

This month we look at:-

 • Stour Valley Underground's public meeting

 • National Grid's 1984 style Doublespeek

 • Why all the rush? How unnecessary...

SVU 2011 Public Meetting Press Release

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

To Discuss National Grid's Proposals

to Further Blight our Landscape

with yet more Pylons and a Sub Station


The Stour Valley Underground Public Meeting

14th September, Wickham St Pauls,...

SVU Newsletter for July 2011

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Frustrating times and lots of Key Issues This Month

 • National Grid's Bramford to Twinstead Corridor Announcement

 • National Grid Fail to Limit Pylon Blighting: A Very Local Issue

 • What's wrong with...

The SVU Newsletter for June 2011

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Key Issues This Month

 • National Grid's imminent Bramford to Twinstead Corridor Announcement

 • The threat to the Waveney Valley - National Grid start to mobilise

 • The Government's National Policy...

SVU Newsletter for May 2011

Thursday, 19 May 2011

More big questions....

Are National Grid changing their tune?

We take a closer look at their latest newsletter 

and look for the underlying messages.

Why does undergrounding costs so much according to...

The Symposium highlighted a number of issues;

1. there is a need for a strategic approach to electricity transmission in the same way there is for low carbon generation

2. the current offshore...

SVU Newsletter for April 2011

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The big question still is....

Can we create an energy future that does not despoil the environment

with the very technology we are employing to save it?

This month we look at:-

the Secretary of State's...

SVU Newsletter for February/March 2011

Saturday, 26 February 2011


It's already March, the snowdrops are out along with the aconites to let us know that spring is on its way. The daffodils are in bud and the weeping willows are just breaking. Mother Nature is...

SVU Newsletter for January 2011

Monday, 31 January 2011

Hello and welcome to the first Stour Valley Underground Newsletter for 2011. Our fight goes on to rid our beautiful landscape of the threat of yet more pylons. We know the way forward to achieve this...

Powerwatch’s Symposium Review

Sunday, 30 January 2011

National Symposium on Electricity Networks 

held 19/01/2011 at One Great George Street, London - 19th January 2011 

Working in the current regime 

The day opened with a presentation from two...

GPA January Update

Wednesday, 26 January 2011



This symposium, held on January 16th 2011, was organised by Suffolk County Council to draw together a wide range of...

SVU Newsletter for Nov & Dec 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Key points this month:-

 • The Regional if not Nation wide threat to our landscape

 • Local Government across the region starts to collaborate in countering the threat of more pylons

 • At Government...

SVU Newsletter for October 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010

Key points this month:-

 • Our coalition of campaigning groups grows

 • National Grid's corridor decision is delayed until the new year

 • Pressure from campaign groups starts to show real results

 • The...

SVU Newsletter for September 2010

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Key points this month.

 • National Grid were saying that they aimed to announce a "Preferred Corridor" in October 2010 but this has been further delayed according to a letter posted to everyone in the...

SVU July 2010 Newsletter

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Hello and welcome to our July 2010 Newsletter,

Over that last 10 months Stour Valley Underground has set out to fight your corner with respect to National Grid's (NG's) pylons proposals and we have...

SVU June 2010 Newsletter 

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Getting rid of all of the pylons:-

Why UNDERSEA has to be the way to go.

But first the story so far....

National Grid's Bramford to Twinstead Overground Powerline Project:

Ding Ding, Round 2

Yes, "round...

SVU's Formal Consultation Response

Sunday, 28 February 2010

This is the text of Stour Valley Underground’s Formal Response to the National Grid’s proposals for an Overhead Powerline Grid Reinforcement from Bramford to Twinstead


Stour Valley Underground...

Late February Newsletter

Friday, 26 February 2010

Ding - Ding - end of round one.Well very nearly. No knockout blows yet but much has happened during the initial phase of National Grid's (NG's) pylon consultation. And perhaps that is the most...

Our submission to your Councillors

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Dear Councillors,

National Grid's Over Ground Power Line Proposals

As you go to vote on Suffolk County Council's response to National Grid's Over Ground Power Line proposals, we ask you to bear the...

National Policy Statement

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Copy of our response to:-

To the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

Draft National Policy Statements Consultation

Dear Sirs,

The accompanying PDF document which you can view here...

SVU's Strategy Announcement 

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

For the Campaign Group Stour Valley Underground 

there is so much more to do that just say

"We don't want any more pylons"

We want to make sure the right decision is made 

in the whole country's best...

New Year's News Letter

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

After a highly valuable and packed Public Meeting in Twinstead Church late in November you could be forgiven for thinking that it's all gone quiet on the SVU front. But this is far from the truth and...

The true impact of a sub station

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

We in SVU have been working to try to identify the impact a sub station would have on our countryside in the area of Twinstead and Heddingham which are potential sites for this installation if...

Querying the Cost of Undergrounding

Monday, 9 November 2009

In our ongoing quest to identify the true cost of undergrounding power lines we have written to Jim Street, NG Project Manager as follows, presenting evidence from their own website of the inflated...