Photo Gallery

Copyright free images

Stour Valley Underground provide copyright free photographs and will add to this gallery in order to provide you with striking images related to this issue.

The sign says 

Welcome to Loshes Woodland: 

it should say 

Welcome to Pylon Valley

Twinstead Tee viewed from the Nature Reserve it dominates

This is a deer proof fence.

NG will need one far stronger to keep their contributions to the landscape safe

Increasing environmental threat to overground power lines will be an issue due to global warming

A sad reflecttion on post war austerity and its fast and dirty approach to power lines in Gainsborough Country

This should be new dawn for electricity distribution if National Grid make the right choice instead of the cheapest one!

Painting of a view looking along the Stour Valley by Thomas_Gainsborough

The land in the painting by Gainsborough as it is today

A view of the low relief landscape that is typical of 

Gainsborough Country

Formerly a cart track as seen in Gainsborough’s painting , the road as it is now.

The river Stour near the point shown in Gainsborough’s painting

Cornard, setting for Gainsborough’s famous “Cornard Wood painting looks out on a valley filled with pylons

Danish Eagle Masts able to carry 2 x 400kV lines

Patford Bridge 400/25kV GSP image used on NG display

Re. Corridor 2 sub station

National Grid’s 4 corridors

Tributory Valley to Alphamstone

Stour Valley in Essex

Patford Bridge Substation

Rare Orchids by a public footpath

Bee Orchid and B Ugly

Sheep at sunset - all lines and pylons in this view could go with the right substation location