National Policy Statement

Consultation Response

Early in February 2010 we became aware that the Government’s National Policy Statements that guide developments in the grid were to be revised and were out for consultation. Without changes these statements would preclude anything other than pylons for bulk energy transmission. So we responded as follows...

National Policy Statement

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Copy of our response to:-

To the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

Draft National Policy Statements Consultation

Dear Sirs,

The accompanying PDF document which you can view here


Stour Valley Underground'sResponse to the National Policy Statement Consultationmounted by the DECC.

About us.

This response comes from Stour Valley Underground (SVU) which is a pressure group set up in September 2009 to oppose National Grid's proposals to further blight outstandingly beautiful and historic countryside in Suffolk and Essex with yet more pylons. These proposals are contained within the " Bramford - Twinstead Overground Power Line Project as brought to us in the current Public Consultation by National Grid (NG).


•researches the whole "grid upgrade" issue and has as a major objective, the gathering and dissemination of information related to this issue.

•quickly established an informative web site and has conducted a series of public meetings to this end. Web Address:

•actively lobbies local government with the objective of ensuring that all reasonable alternative strategies for the upgrading of the energy distribution network are considered within the public consultation process.

•brings forward a broader range of grid reinforcement strategies for public consideration than are presented within NG's consultation events.

•actively avoids nimbyism and seeks to find solutions that are right for all similarly affected regions of the UK and are in the entire nation's best interests.

•seeks to influence the selection of a grid upgrade strategy that is fit for the 21st century and is in keeping with current Europe wide renewable energy distribution developments.

SVU was established by the Parish Councils of the affected communities along the Essex side of the Stour Valley but has since been asked to extend its constituency to include communities all along the south of National Grid's consultation area. SVU enjoys the active participation of not only local government in this area but also organisations such as the Dedham Vale Society and the Colne-Stour Countryside Association, amongst others.

We contend that the current draft National Policy Statements fail to embrace current developments in energy distribution technology and that were such a situation to persist, the future economic development of the UK could be adversely affected while at the same time hampering the nation's ability to meet its carbon reduction objectives and ensure energy security for the decades to come. For this reason we are providing the enclosed response to the DECC consultation. We respectfully ask that you acknowledge receipt of this document.

This email was sent on Wednesday 10th February 2010

by David Holland, on behalf of Stour Valley Underground