Stour Valley Underground’s Initial Outline Response
to National Grid’s Undergrounding Decision
and Connection Options Report
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Looking from the Essex side of the Stour Valley toward Suffolk, the pylons are highly visible and unsightly. If, as NG recognise, the area is to be protected, the views are not to be further disfigured by a sealing end compound located high above the valley side.
The same reasoning applies to the views west of the existing AONB. Moving the sealing end compound away from the valley side would prospectively place two sealing end compounds in NG Area F (Assington & Leavenheath area) which is set on high ground where such compounds and pylons would be visible over great distances.
Note the locations of the Sealing End Compounds (identified by stars) close to the AONB boundary and atop the valley side above the Stour in Area G.