Stour Valley Underground’s Initial Outline Response 

to National Grid’s Undergrounding Decision 

and Connection Options Report

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There is a clear tension between our need for a low carbon energy future and the often under exploited and frequently unrecognised cultural and environmental capital of our countryside.

In few places is this more apparent than along the Suffolk / Essex border, within the painters landscapes where public footpaths weave through beautiful countryside, past rare and special flora and fauna.

Stour Valley Underground continue to fight to get the decisions concerning both our energy and environment futures right. We offer the forgoing proposals believing them to be best for all concerned. Our proposals are economically justifiable and are a sound investment for a future where renewable energy is transmitted through valuable landscape with both delivering their full potential for the benefit of all.

And lastly: 

SVU continue to support the objectives of all groups in the 

Essex & Suffolk Amenity Group Coalition