
our objectives are:-

to oppose National Grid’s proposal to further blight the landscape between Bramford in Suffolk and Twinstead in Essex with yet more ugly pylons.

to represent people who utterly reject the redevelopment of the UK transmission grid with outdated technologies that result in further blighting of the landscape with yet more pylons.

to press for having the UK transmission grid to be redeveloped such that the amenity value of the landscape is preserved whilst at the same time embracing the the coming of renewable and low carbon generation

exists to ensure that contemporary technology, environmental responsibility and democracy are brought to bear in deciding how to upgrade and make secure, our energy supplies 

are determined to ensure that the fast and dirty solutions brought about by mid 20th century post war austerity are not repeated and indeed are replaced by sub-sea cabling for bulk electricity distribution and underground cabling for unavoidable on-land transmission and local distribution

to oppose the location of electricity substations and all other energy infrastructure in high value landscapes and best and most versatile farmland

to bring forward better solutions for the issues the energy industry addresses throught its planning proposals

Seek to influence the redevelopment of both Government Policy on energy and the Ofgem energy industry regulatory framework to ensure the right outcomes for our entire nation. These right outcomes include a greener energy future, energy security, a vibrant economy and a beautiful, unspoiled landscape

to press for a holistic approach to energy industry developments that embraces the huge economic opportunity that renewable, and low carbon generation and distribution bring to the UK.

to support government policy on the location of solar farms such that they are installed on brown field sites and on rooftops and not on best and most versatile agricultural land or within culturally or environmentally significant landscapes

We seek to achieve these objectives whilst always remaining true to our core values which are set out here.