Undersea or Underground

Case outline

It is a sad reflection on our times that the same methodology for power distribution foisted on the valley by 20th century post war austerity is once again being proposed by National Grid in the 21st, after half a century of technical advance and in one of the worlds largest economies

The case for undergrounding all local distribution power lines in the Stour Valley and for replacing all the bulk (400kV) transmission lines with undersea cables is underpinned by:-

Historical evidence of the aesthetic importance of the Stour Valley Landscape

Historical evidence of the heritage importance of the Stour Valley Landscape

Environmental evidence of the importance of the valley, its wildlife, nature reserves, rural landscape and natural beauty

Risk assessment evidence that shows that underground and undersea cables make a major contribution to national security and vastly reduce the threat from either terrorism or from the environment due to increasingly extreme weather events linked to global warming

Medical evidence of the health risk caused by high voltage AC power lines to both young and old

Economic evidence that shows that the "whole life" costing for the lines indicates that the lines should go underground and undersea

Economic evidence that shows that the valley is an important resource for local tourism which generates £billions annually and brings millions of visitors to the area

Economic and engineering evidence that modern underground cable technology is far more reliable and easier to repair than overhead lines

Economic evidence that bulk electricity distribution should be achieved by undersea cable that integrates the UK grid into the developing Europe wide grid

Engineering evidence that undersea and underground lines are more efficient and cause far less global warming than overground lines

Engineering evidence that undersea and underground lines can safely be overloaded at times of high demand to make the whole network more reliable and secure

Efficiency evidence that underground and undersea lines waste far less energy which means less fossil fuel burning and less nuclear waste

and much more.

This is just an outline of some areas of Stour Valley Underground's research activity, all aimed at having both the communities involved, National Grid, the Government and its Infrastructure Planning Commission made fully aware of the utterly compelling case for putting all of the power cables undersea and underground. Further pages will regularly be added to the site to flesh out these aspects of the case for an undersea bulk electricity distribution and for undergrounding all local distribution power lines, so that we all have a better understanding of the possibilities, issues and evidence.