News Bulletin October 22

Stour Valley Underground’s style of campaigning has always be about making the case for better solutions and putting the right development in the right place. The latest example of this is the way in which we ran our own consultation events RE the routing of the National Grid (NG) proposed underground cables across the Stour Valley and the location and design of a substation. 

After a sometimes fraught and challenging set of public meetings of residents and landowners, NG has now proposed a route that runs through land who’s owners are willing to host this transmission system and avoids a farm that was wholly opposed to it. SVU believe that the outcome is well worth the pain and that all residents, landowners and indeed NG should be commended for working to deliver an acceptable outcome for  all parties.

This is an example of campaigning to SHAPE development and not just say NO. There is much more yet to be done and we will not be certain that we succeeded on this issue until there are trenches being dug. For those interested in what we have done, please see our Facebook content by searching our name.

SVU continue to make a clear case for an undersea ring main style grid that reduces the need for yet more pylons across our beautiful landscapes by taking the power from coastal generation direct to population centres via undersea cables. We have shown how this approach differs from the energy industries notion of coordinated methods which would still result in unnecessary connection to East Anglia when the end users are in the London area.

As ever, you can catch up on our latest work via Facebook where we cover all issues including campaigning to reduce the impact of a substation and also ensuring that solar doesn’t dominate our highly productive farmlands at a time of world food shortage.

Access our Facebook Page here or better still, join our FB Group!