We Meet Groton Pylon Alliance


Groton Pylon Alliance

The GPA's aims are to:

•campaign against the construction of new overhead power lines across south Suffolk to the detriment of the local landscape

•preserve the natural heritage of our countryside for all those who live, work and visit the area both now and in the future

•ensure that communities, landowners and local authorities are properly consulted on all aspects of the infrastructure project currently proposed by National Grid

•work with other stakeholders such as local preservation and historical associations and the local tourism industry to protect the cultural heritage and economy of the area



This meeting took place between Colin Blackmore, chair of Groton Pylon Alliance (GPA) together with a number of members of GPA and Richard Barnes, Lead Researcher of SVU

The meeting was organised to discuss strategies in proposing alternatives to the current propositions from NG to build Overhead power lines on lattice pylons between Bramford and Twinstead.

The meeting started by discussing the reasons why each group had formed, and congratulating each other on the speed with which we had got the pressure groups up and running. NG only announced their proposals in early September!

GPA was formed by a group of villages affected by NG proposals in Corridors 3 and 4. These are the two routes running to the north of the existing pylons.

GPA explained that their primary role is to represent the broad interests of their partner villages in objecting to Corridor’s 3 and 4. This is perfectly understandable, but we worry that it might play into NG’s hands who may be adopting a divide and conquer approach. This was discussed at length and Richard suggested we should not just accept the NG proposals for an Overhead Line.

Richard pointed out that if NG rejected routes 3 and 4 – it should not be regarded as a success for GPA, as it would mean that their gain would be at the expense of villages already effected by pylons, and could present villages such as Castle Hedingham or Wickham St Paul with an ugly new sub station. SVU’s objective is to focus on the best solution for all; nobody wants the currently proposed cheap and nasty solutions.

GPA’s concern however is that Corridors 1 and 2 run through the Dedham Vale AONB a specially protected area (see: www.dedhamvalestourvalley.org). If NG were forced to cost for undergrounding that section it would make Corridor 1 and 2 much more expensive and put the focus back on Corridors 3 and 4.

In closing we agreed to keep exchanging ideas and meet again after SVU have met with the Dedham Vale and Stour Valley Project on Monday 23rd November.