Stour Valley Underground’s Initial Outline Response 

to National Grid’s Undergrounding Decision 

and Connection Options Report

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Related Issues

Going forward there are other, linked issues that SVU will be addressing with economically sound, well researched proposals. These issues include the NG/ UK Power Networks proposed 

substation and the matter of the removal of ALL redundant pylons.


NG and UKPN argue that as NG propose to remove the 132kv power lines and pylons between Burstal Bridge and Twinstead Tee, a substation is required to replace this source of electricity which supplies UKPN’s Belchamp substation.

SVU contend that a new substation is not necessary and would be environmentally and economically unacceptable in high value landscape. As an alternative solution, an underground cable is deliverable with higher capacity than a substation's output and at comparable capital cost. SVU propose an underground cable installed in a 0.5m wide x 1.0m deep trench from Bramford where there is clearly the capacity to supply such a line to UKPN's Belchamp Substation. Installation would cause little disruption to the landscape. This approach would deliver a more secure, future proof and environmentally acceptable solution than a substation supplying the overhead line to Belchamp substation from Rushley Green.

Redundant Pylons

NG has not committed to acquiring and removing all 132kv pylons made redundant by their project. SVU contend that all of the 132kv pylons made redundant between Rushley Green near Castle Heddingham in the west and Burstal Bridge near Ipswich should be removed.

Taken together, these last two propositions would improve the setting and outlook from a scheduled monument set in high value landscape.

SVU will publish detailed proposals in respect to all of the above within the current COR / undergrounding consultation period. Details will be available on this website.